MBC is proud to offer MultiGig Broadband Internet available in ALL locations across ALL Installations in Okinawa!
MultiGig Internet is the Fastest Internet Available ON ALL Installations.
What is MultiGig Internet?
Learn MoreMultiGig Internet is an Internet service with download speeds greater than 1Gbps. MBC MultiGig Internet provides a bigger and faster connection to the Internet allowing our customers to do more fast things across more simultaneously connected fast devices.
How Fast is MultiGig?
Learn MoreMBC has provisioned its MultiGig Internet service with download speeds up to 2.5Gbps and upload speeds up to 250Mbps. MultiGig Internet includes Unlimited Data!
What are uses of MultiGig Internet?
Learn MoreMultiGig Internet is not necessarily about the delivery of MultiGig to any one device because there are few, if any, true MultiGig single use applications. MultiGig Internet is about the delivery of the largest possible pipe to support as many fast connected devices simultaneously running fast activities.
While most computers, gaming stations, smart phones, tablets, and other consumer devices may not have wired or wireless network interface cards to support speeds up to, or in excess of, 1Gbps, a MultiGig connection allows our customers to maximize the full capability of all of their fast connected devices.
How do I get MultiGig Internet?
Learn MoreMBC MultiGig Internet is NOW available in ALL locations on ALL Installations.
New Customers can order MultiGig Internet when they establish new services.
Existing Customers can contact MBC to upgrade their existing Internet service to MultiGig Internet.